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Massage  & Therapeutic Bodywork for Women 


Integrated Myofascial Release Therapy (CiMFT)

​Myofascial Release Therapy is a hands on manual therapy that works with you to effect changes in the whole body via its 3D fascial net, something we now understand to be hugely important in health and movement.


​​​​​​​​​​​​​Integrated Myofascial Therapy combines the original John Barnes PT method & the MFR UK method of myofascial therapy with the latest pain science & Soft Tissue techniques (like remedial sports massage) to provide a gentle, effective and holistic whole person approach to symptoms of:


  • Chronic Pain & Fibromyalgia

  • Jaw Pain & TMJ Symptoms

  • Joint Pain

  • Low Back Pain

  • Shoulder pain & dysfunction

  • Neck pain

  • Sciatica

  • Headaches

  • Plantar Fasciitis & foot pain

  • Stress & Anxiety

  • Nervous System Dysregulation

  • IBS & Digestive Dysfunction

  • Women's Health issues

  • Abdominal adhesions

  • Scarring (inc.surgical: C-section, Hysterectomy,

  • Gallbladder, Appendix, Laparoscopy,

  • Mastectomy, joint replacement)



​​​​Remedial Soft Tissue Therapy (BTEC L5)

Soft Tissue Therapy is the name given to bodywork that uses a number of specialised techniques as well all the classical moves you would expect to find in a high quality sports, deep tissue and remedial body massage.


​​​​​​​​​​Soft Tissue Therapy uses neuro-muscular techniques to restore muscles to their optimum resting length and treats musculoskeletal pain, injury and dysfunction caused by any of life’s stresses. Although sport and over-activity can be a common factor with many clients, this is far from being the main problem that Soft Tissue Therapists deal with.


Much of the bodywork I do is around the reduction of stress, tension, pain and dysfunction and that can be due to any number of  long or short term causes including lifestyle, stress, nutrition, occupation, trauma, illness and injury. Many of today's issues are caused by posture, repetitive use and even under use. I use the term 'remedial' broadly, to indicate the aim of applying treatment to specific issues. 


The depth of pressure used is completely individual and based on what a client needs that day. Pressure can change from session to session and throughout a session depending on need and sensitivity. The depth oa massage is not necessarily about pressing hard.  It's about ensuring the pressure is therapeutic and doing what is needed to restore tissue health.


As with all treatments here the approach is holistic which means considering the whole person and not just the part. This therapy is designed to treat soft tissue imbalances while identifying the underlying cause. It aims to increase mobility, function and relaxation and offer more long-term improvements in wellbeing, whilst remembering that 'you' are attached. 

All of that helps with injury prevention.



​​​​​​​Holistic Massage

As well as remedial sessions I still offer holistic sessions for pure relaxation, because why not? 


These aim to initiate a deep state of calm and offer the time and space to safely let go for a while. Taking time to relax, unwind, re-balance and connect to our inner self is vital for health and wellbeing.


It applies a range of techniques in soothing pressures appropriate for you and your body on the day but is no less 'deep'.

Please note that this session doesn't include any assessment or specific injury or remedial treatment. 


To book your bodywork session Click Here​



Hand applying massage technique to the shoulder
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